Considered Wellness

From improved sleep to increased circulation and reduced stress and tension, explore our specialist wellness treatments for a truly holistic spa experience.
Stay at Cairndale

Indian Head Massage

Experience the ultimate stress relief with GAIA’s Indian head massage. This transformative spa treatment combines targeted face, shoulder, and scalp massage techniques, expertly crafted to manipulate and soothe muscles, promoting deep relaxation and rejuvenation to release tension and restore balance, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalised.

60 minutes | Priced from £99
Stay at Cairndale

Foot Ritual

Take the weight off tired feet and legs with a reinvigorating VOYA Foot Ritual that harnesses the benefits of Sea Salt and warmed, organic Atlantic Seaweed. Boost circulation and rediscover smooth, glowing skin from the knees down with a Sea Salt Scrub, followed by a relaxing lower leg massage. A warmed Atlantic seaweed wrap helps to soothe, detoxify and revive tired feet and legs.

60 minutes | Priced from £99
Stay at Cairndale

Aroma Flex

Struggling with the effects of insomnia, disturbed or broken sleep or simply looking to improve the quality of your sleep? Restore physical vitality and promote effective, deep sleep with a rebalancing back massage and foot pressure point massage.

60 minutes | Priced from £99